You can begin dropping off your child at 7:00 AM if you are enrolled in the Extended Hours program or at 8:00 AM if you are enrolled in the School Hours program. Please make every attempt to bring your child to school on-time (at 8:00 AM) for School Hours.
When you arrive, you will enter the driveway on the side closest to the house (next to the Cabot Montessori School sign.) Park your car into any available parking spot taking care not to block the driveway for other parents who are arriving or departing.
If your child attends the Early Primary class, you will walk through the main playground gate located under the carport. You will then walk through the inner playground gate and enter the Early Primary classroom door.
If your child attends the Primary class, you will enter the classroom through the front door located inside the sun porch.
Have your child place their lunchbox on the lunchbox shelf. Place your child's coat/jacket/outerwear in the cubby labeled with their name. If your child brings in an item for naptime, place that item in their cubby as well.
Quickly and quietly say goodbye to your child and leave. It can be really hard to walk away, especially if they (and you) are still adjusting to starting school (this can take some children up to six weeks.) Even if they cry (and most of them do at some point) the best thing you can do is make a clean, quick departure. The teachers have loads of experience comforting children and directing them to a lesson so they can shift their focus to their joyful and purposeful work.
Please remember the teachers are going to be focused on maintaining an orderly classroom environment or demonstrating a lesson and they will not be able to have impromptu conferences at drop off time. We strongly encourage open communication and if you have any updates on your child, suggestions, questions, concerns, or if you wish to get an update on your child's progress or adjustment please send an email to or you can leave a note in your child's folder located above their cubby.
If you are late bringing your child to school, allow your child to quietly enter the classroom alone to minimize classroom disruption. We do not accept children after 9:30 AM except in the case of an emergency or if prior approval has been made. This policy is in place to maintain a consistent routine for your child.
What matters is not physics, or botany, or the works of the hand, but the will and the components of the human spirit which construct themselves through work.
Maria Montessori